(ENG) VIDEO "How to make ECO FUR Collars"
This video includes: -Full version of my lesson on the creation of the eco fur collar. You will learn how to make two types of collars including building of collar patterns. - Learn how to choose the right alpaca fur to create eco-fur; - Find out what is “Alpaca Grade”, how to tell one from another and what kind of grades are suitable for this technique; - How to work with sheep fleece, creating eco fur in the same technique - Differences in using alpaca fleece and sheep fleece - Methods of decoration, how to make decorative ruffles out of silk fabric - Several types of collar felting - How to make a collar that will not shed fibers - Error correction Once you complete the payment, I will send you a secure download link to the video file within 48 hours. If you need this tutorial in Russian- please let me know about this Legal notice. Only proceed if you agree with the following statement: Attention! Woolwonders LLC and Iryna Levkovich take no responsibility for any damage or injuries occurred due to improper or unsafe use of any tools used in this lesson . A student takes full responsibility for proper and safe use of tools and familiarizing her/himself with manuals and safety guides.